Us plus plus
Aisling Kelliher
Us++ is a research initiative that explores methodologies and tools for seamlessly and fluidly documenting our experiences and sharing them with others in a reflective, thoughtful and engaging manner. Using media-rich weblogs and custom-designed software, this process adopts an integrated, conversational and co-constructed approach. Multiple participant inputs and perspectives expand and surprise our story-selves as the roles of creator, interpreter and audience are continuously exchanged. One current experiment capitalizes on the spontaneous and instant nature of mobile messaging combined with the organizational framework of weblogs to create a near real-time support environment in which a group of friends capture, expand and share rich media messages; this playful engagement allows this group to stay connected even as, one of them is in hospital. This project will be facilitated further by the introduction of Mov-its, a custom-designed application for cell-phones for gathering, constructing and sharing multimedia messages.
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