Create Project
Claudia Urrea, Seymour Papert and David Cavallo
Combining Revised Education Approach and Technology Environment
Most modes of thinking about education in "developing countries" focus on remedying inferiority using methods from "developed countries." This project does the reverse: it identifies strengths of particular countries in order to develop specific models for learning environments. The model that we are designing and implementing (in a one-teacher rural school in Costa Rica), while rooted in rural Latin America, has "spin-off" applications for the most advanced industrial countries. The model will include one-to-one computer infrastructure and other technologies, including the requirements for LEGO-style robotics and Internet-based videoconferencing; in addition, it will have an online knowledge network using MIT and other resources to support deeper exploration of ideas and knowledge unfamiliar to the teachers. The scalability of this process is based on a concept of developing a self-sustaining network of similar schools and of support groups.
You can read some details about the development of the project in Costa Rica... createprojectblog!
Read an article publised in about the project.
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